Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Photos Below

Ok…so I think I figured it out.  I have to post the pictures first…then post the notes so that you can read the notes and look at the pictures.

Notes on the photos.

Laundry:  There is no normal coin operated type of laundry.  So we take our laundry out to one of the souvenir shops.  I know it doesn’t make sense..but when in China.


Waiting for the phone call:  The group was sitting around in the halls waiting for the “all clear” call from our consulate paperwork.  You do a lot of sitting around waiting for paperwork in this process.  This is just the icing on the cake.


Jacob and JT.  Both of these little guys came from the same orphanage and Phillip Hayden…they had a bond on Gotcha day and that still goes on.


Group Photos and the cruise…somewhat self explanatory.



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