Friday, August 29, 2008

We are adopting from China!

Our family went on vacation to St. George Island last year with my parents and my brother and his family.  It was during this vacation that the "Adoption" seed began to grow.  There had been much talk about some friends that were in the midst of an Ethiopian adoption.  On the LONG car ride home, Ric and I had lots of time to talk and we discussed the issues one would have to face raising a child of a different race.  I was intrigued.  When we came home, within a week I was at the library looking up books that dealt with the topic.  I then started an internet search of adoption sites.  The world of adoption was opening up to me.  I  had no idea that people adopted from so many places!  At first, I kept my research quiet.  After a while I let Ric know that I was investigating adoption.  He didn't say anything.  In the midst of my research, I came across waiting children lists.  I had no idea that there were so many kids with special needs that needed homes.  I showed Ric some pictures.  He didn't say anything, but he looked.  I continued to research what the country qualifications were to adopt, how much things cost, how much time you had to spend away from home to retrieve your new child, etc....  The countries that I thought we could adopt from, dwindled down to a small size.  My heart was led to China.  I shared my thoughts with Ric and he agreed.  God had been working in both of our hearts and they were drawn together on this topic.  Picking an agency to work with was hard!  I did a lot of research and was at peace when we settled with CCAI.  Things have moved quickly since then as you can see and you read on!