Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Busy Day and Another Present!

I spent the day running around town "Certifying" our paper at the county and state level and then mailing it to the Chinese Consulate in Houston.  It should be there by 12PM tomorrow!  God provided my Mom and Dad to look after the kids, Rachel to be my "Partner" for the day, traveling mercies, and quick workers.  I took a peek at the email and found a surprise from our agency of an "Update" for Jacob! It included an updated immunization chart, body measurements and some other tidbits:  His current health is good, He can feed himself, go up and down stairs, put on shoes and socks, He can say simple sentences, but is not talkative, He is being potty trained, but still needs a diaper, He eats cake, biscuits, fruits, dumpling, fish, meat, and vegetables, drinks juice, milk and formula, and he like to eat banana and sausage.  They even sent a schedule of his day.  He gets up at 6 am.  Oh no, I have so enjoyed my 7AM wake up time that I have enjoyed the last year or so!  What a treasure to know all these little details!  

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