Sunday, October 19, 2008


The therapy director at Philip Hayden sent me some information about Jacob today!  She directed me to their therapy blog and included an "update therapy progress report".  He started as a boy whose fine and gross motor skills were significantly delayed, and language skills that were also delayed.  He would not use his right in play and was preferred to be by himself.  After 6 months of therapy, he was walking, using his right hand, and using words to express himself!  He also now initiates interaction with others.  His is featured on their blog (in an older post - so you will have to look for it) and the therapy director states that " Cole has flourished. He has learned to walk, use his right arm, and talk in short sentences. Now, we know him as the strong and outgoing child he is! He has taught us the beauty and determination of life. "  What a blessing!  


Michele and Dan said...

I ventured to the site - looks like he is in a really good place and receiving loving care - now all he needs is his family!! He looks happy, which is comforting to a mother's heart!
Come on I-797!!!!
:0) Michele

Jen Thompson said...

Thank for you comment - it encourages my heart to know that you understand all the feelings that go into this whole process. Praying for you as you are so close to hugging your little guy. We are so excited for you all!